구성원 사진

Patent Attorney, Young-Hyun CHO, is the founder and managing partner of CISUN International Patent and Law Firm. Having majored in mechanical engineering, he has a high level of understanding of the overall technology areas such as machinery, robots, automobiles, energy, nanotechnology, and fourth industrial technology, and is keen to encounter new technologies. He also has experience working as an engineer at a company, so he understands the difficulties of R&D, and is always trying to understand the development process of technology from the Client's viewpoint. He maintains a broad network with overseas local agents, and good relations with many friends from various countries. He always meet Clients with a big smile.


Seoul National University, Department of Mechanical Engineering
Griffith University - Technology Transfer & Commercialization International Training course
International Korean IP Training Academy

Professional experience

DS International Patent & Law Firm
ShinWon Patent & Law Office
SsangYong Materials Corporation

Practice area

General Machinery / Precision Machinery, Medical Machinery, Robot, Automobile, Ship,
Displays Devices, Semiconductor Equipment, Display Inspection Equipment, Sensor,
Architecture, Civil Engineering, Energy, Nanotechnology, Air Conditioning Equipment,
Refrigeration Equipment and Optical Equipment.
Patent, Design, Trademark, Trials and Litigation
Technology evaluation, technology transfer, technology commercialization consulting
Investigate technology, Patent portfolio
patent strategy, intellectual property consulting


KPAA (Korean Patent Attorneys Association)
KTTAA (Korean Technology Transfer Agency Association)
APAA (Asian Patent Attorneys Association)
AIPPI (International Association for the Protection of Intellectual Property)
INTA (International Trademark Association)
FICP (International Federation of Intellectual Property Attorneys)